Elsie Baumann
Oct 31, 2023
On the night of October 21st, Klamath Union held its homecoming dance to celebrate a robust start to the new school year. The dance was organized as the apex event of a week of spirit demonstration and capped off a week of solid sports efforts by our Klamath Union teams.
Klamath Union’s dedicated Associate Student Body (ASB) transformed the cafeteria with whimsical graphics to follow the storyline and create a theme portraying Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. An array of pastel balloons, streamers, and a professional photo wall greeted students as they entered the room, fabricating a playful atmosphere.
Grades 9-12 all attended, accompanied by friends and dates alike; attendees were clothed in outfits ranging from sparkling fabrics to casual button-downs. Among the guests, the homecoming king and queen, Logan Strop and Cassidy Bogatay, entered the party still adorned in their crowns received the previous night at the Homecoming football game. It took only minutes for the tiles in front of the DJ booth to become dominated by the rhythmic chanting of song lyrics from evergrowing dance circles. ASB provided complimentary water bottles for the increasingly heated environment of sardined bodies, as the dance space transformed into a montage of unbridled joy.
As the night progressed, the energy escalated as attendees migrated from secluded friend groups, converging into one uniform ring on the dance floor’s center. The songs drew more people into the circle as the crowd cheered on daring students performing amusing stunts.
Homecoming is a commemoration that celebrates the beginning of a fresh school year as we return to our peers, educators, and high school. Establishing connections shapes our home away from home as we create our unique identity as Klamath Union Pelicans. As time passes, we will cherish the memories forged during our high school experience that races by in four short years. Homecoming serves as an exciting calendar event, distracting us from our studies and ever-present burdens, while building lifelong memories.